Monday, September 13, 2010

little savvy baby

sorry for my lack of posts, but i have been pretty exhausted lately. i spend most of my day chasing ollie around and dealing with the daily tantrums that define the "terrible 2's!" not to mention, we are expecting a little baby girl in january. yay!!! so here are the first few pictures of our little savvy girl.

i am about 21 weeks here. you can see the top of ollie's head and his little hand pointing to his baby sister:) and you can see i really need to clean my mirror- sorry for the spots:)
sorry this is sideways, but i couldn't rotate it for some reason.

more to come...and no, we are not naming her "savvy savona" it's just what i call her for now:)

1 comment:

The Lady of the Holler said...

"Savvy Savona" is cute, though. :o)